Icon image of 簡培菈
Gender F    Species 無尾熊Personality Big Sister
大堡礁  咦~!
Image of villager profile
Taste for Fashion
Styles  Actif, Cool
Colors  Verts, Turquoise
Polo à larges rayures
Turquoise, Noirs
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Chemise groovy
Cool, Magnifique
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Polo à larges rayures
Violets, Verts
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Veste de ski
Turquoise, Orange
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Blouse enfant
Mignon, Actif
Turquoise, Verts
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Cyber combinaison
Cyber combinaison
Noirs, Turquoise
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Chapeau de randonnée
Chapeau de randonnée
Orange, Turquoise
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Bomber camouflage
Verts, Beiges
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Casquette cycliste
Casquette cycliste
Verts, Rouges
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Costume d'animal flashy
Costume d'animal flashy
Actif, Cool
Noirs, Verts
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Tunique d'homme ancienne
Tunique d'homme ancienne
Élégant, Cool
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Parka sans manches
Parka sans manches
Verts, Noirs
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.