Icon image of Цукер
Пол M    Species ОсьминогPersonality Lazy
«Удача — миф!»  буль!
Image of villager profile
Taste for Fashion
Стили  Простой, Милый
Цвета  Синего цвета, Желтого цвета
Школьн. рубашка с кофтой
Милый, Простой
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Желтого цвета, Белого цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Джинсовая куртка
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Куртка хантен
Синего цвета, Бежевого цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Крутой, Простой
Желтого цвета, Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Классическая рубашка
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Одежда мастера суши
Белого цвета, Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Праздничный свитер
Синего цвета, Белого цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Куртка «На уроке»
Простой, Элегантный
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Синего цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Школьная шапочка
Желтого цвета
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.