Icon image of Miles
Genre M    Espèce ÉléphantPersonnalité Paresseux
« Je n'ai pas peur des souris. Je suis prudent quand j'en vois une, ce n'est pas pareil. »  vipère!
Image of villager profile
Goût pour la Mode
Styles  Simple, Actif
Couleurs  Vert
Monture stores
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Camisole en mousseline
Mignon, Simple
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Simple, Actif
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Veste de pêcheur
Vert, Blanc
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Robe striée
Vert, Blanc
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Monture piscine
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Tenue de rugby
Noir, Vert
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Maillot d'athlétisme
Simple, Actif
Vert, Blanc
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Tenue de lutte
Vert, Jaune
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Camisole hippie festival
Actif, Simple
Jaune, Vert
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Collant intégral
Simple, Cool
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Chapeau vigne tressée
Actif, Cool
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.