Icon image of Kalyptus
Genre M    Espèce KoalaPersonnalité Sportif
« C'est fatigant tout ça... »  sandwich!
Image of villager profile
Goût pour la Mode
Styles  Simple, Actif
Couleurs  Turquoise, Jaune
Veste de survêtement
Bleu, Turquoise
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Élégant, Simple
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Casque de jockey
Jaune, Noir
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Uniforme scolaire à cravate
Cool, Simple
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Chemise à revers cranté
Simple, Élégant
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Casque de chantier à lampe
Turquoise, Vert
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Uniforme resto rapide
Uniforme resto rapide
Actif, Simple
Vert, Jaune
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Pyjama
Turquoise, Blanc
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Robe en lin
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Robe à pois simples
Robe à pois simples
Turquoise, Blanc
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Coton ouaté simple
Simple, Actif
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Image of Gilet décontracté
Gilet décontracté
Turquoise, Rose
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.