Icon image of Pauline
Genre F    Espèce OursonPersonnalité Normale
« Le passé, c'est le passé, rien ne sert de le ressasser. »  linou!
Image of villager profile
Goût pour la Mode
Styles  Élégant, Mignon
Couleurs  Rouge, Beige
Monture rétro irisée
Élégant, Mignon
Rose, Rouge
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Robe années folles
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Gilet tricoté rennes
Simple, Élégant
Rouge, Beige
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Robe cerise
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Veste pied-de-coq
Mignon, Élégant
Rouge, Beige
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Chapeau melon à ruban
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Costume de poussin
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Tenue d'Orihime
Élégant, Mignon
Rouge, Jaune
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Gilet d'uniforme scolaire
Mignon, Simple
Beige, Rouge
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Tunique de femme ancienne
Élégant, Mignon
Rose, Rouge
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Gilet sapin festif
Rouge, Beige
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.
Débardeur tricoté main
Élégant, Mignon
Villager Satisfaction: The degree to which the color and style match the residents' preferences.