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happysunnylikeathanasia흑흑ㅠ저만 알고싶었던 길마디💙 어머님 아버님 이 마디 보시고 월급으로(?)❤눌러주세요>-< {SUNNY공유❤} Heuk heuk ㅠ The words that only I wanted to know 💙 Mother, father, please see this word and press it with your salary(?)❤>-< {SUNNY Share❤} しくしくㅠ私だけ知りたいと思っ道一言💙 お母様お父様この節見給料で(?)❤押して下さい> - < {SUNNY共有❤} Heuk heuk ㅠ 只有我想知道的话💙 爸爸妈妈,请看这个字,用你的工资按它(?)❤>-< {阳光分享❤}
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