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miss_crossingđŸ‡«đŸ‡· Aujourd’hui est un jour spĂ©cial car c’est les 3ans de notre bĂ©bĂ© (que le temps passe vite) et nous pourrons enfin savoir son espĂšce. Ce matin on se rĂ©veille tĂŽt. Pendant que je prĂ©pare le p etit dĂ©jeuner, Raymond nourri le bĂ©bĂ©. Ensuite je fais ma toilette et prends ma douche. Puis je m’habille et pendant que je me coiffe Raymond s’habille et en profite pour prendre un cafĂ©. Mais lorsque nous allions partir Raymond a reçu un appel urgent du travail et ma dĂ©poser Ă  l’hĂŽpital avant de repartir. J’étais un peu stressĂ©. Le docteur nous appelle et me dit que je vais devoir rester dans la salle d’attente pendant l’examen. J’avais froid et j’étais toute seule. Mais Raymond m’a appelĂ© pour me dire qu’il arriverait dans 10 minutes. Puis le docteur me rappelle et m’annonce que notre enfant est un lapin et c’est Ă  ce moment lĂ  que Raymond est arrivĂ©. Nous Ă©tions un peu surpris. Puis le docteur nous a dit que nous pourrions voir notr petit bout de chou. Il Ă©tait trop mignon et ressemblait Ă  son papa avec sa petite mĂšche blonde. Nous l’appellerons Alix. Il Ă©tait temps de rentrer mais nous Ă©tions loin de la maison et il faisait tard donc nous avons louĂ© une chambre d’hĂŽtel. đŸ„°đŸ€ 🇬🇧 Today is a special day because it is our baby's 3 years (time flies) and we will finally be able to know his species. This morning we wake up early. While I prepare breakfast, Raymond fed the baby. Then I wash my toilet and take my shower. Then I get dressed and while I do my hair Raymond gets dressed and takes the opportunity to have a coffee. But when we were about to leave Raymond received an urgent call from work and dropped me off at the hospital before leaving. I was a little stressed. The doctor calls us and tells me that I will have to stay in the waiting room during the exam. I was cold and I was all alone. But Raymond called me to tell me that he would arrive in 10 minutes. Then the doctor calls me back and tells me that our child is a rabbit and that's when Raymond arrived. We were a little surprised. Then the doctor told us that we could see our little darling. He was so cute and looked like his dad with his little blonde wick. We'll call him Sasha. It was time to go home but we were far from home and it was late so we rented a hotel room. đŸ„°đŸ€
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